Patent Search

A patent search, or patentability search, is a search of existing patents and other publicly-available documents (which is referred to as “prior art”) to locate the closest existing things to your invention. A patent application is scrutinized by the Patent Office by comparing the claimed invention with the prior art, and a patent can be issued if the patent examiner is convinced that an invention is new and not an obvious combination of things in the prior art.
A patent search is often the first thing that is done in the patent process. The purpose of a patent search is to determine how different an invention is from what already exists in the prior art. A patent search will not tell you if your invention infringes someone else’s patent.
The patent search benefits the inventor by identifying the closest prior art so that we can determine both how patentable the invention is, and also what specific parts of the invention are the most different from the prior art. A patent search can also reveal that the inventor’s invention has already been made – even if the invention has never been commercially available for purchase.

There are seven licensed patent attorneys, one licensed lawyer, two trademark attorneys in our firm, all of them have more than 5-year experience, that makes us professinal in patent drafting.
Patent Annuity
Provided that the annual renewal fees are duly paid, patents remain in force for the maximum term.Thus, the annuity fees (other known as renewal or maintenance fees) must be paid –generally on an annual basis– to maintain the validity of the patent. Most patent offices collect renewal fees even before a patent is granted. Our own FEEMANGER platform assist you with Chinese patent docketing easily.

Patent Infringement
Patent Infringement is the violation of a patent owner’s rights with respect to some invention. Unless permitted by the patent owner, one commits paten infringement by making, using, offering to sell, or selling something that contains every element of a patented claim or its equivalent while the patent is in effect.
Patent Consulting
Recordal of Change
Such recordals are necessary whenever a change is made that affects the applicant or holder of the patent, or the rights of authorised third parties, as in the case of a new licence or pledge. If rights are not updated correctly or in time, it could affect the rights of the different stakeholders concerned.
Patent Licensing
Patent licensing is a revocable agreement between a patent owner and a licensee to transfer interest in a patent to the licensee, who can benefit from and enforce the intellectual property rights. The patent owner can license or transfer interest in a patent12. In a patent license, the patent owner gives permission to another entity (the "licensee") to use the patented technology while retaining ownership. The patent license creates income for both the licensee and the licensor through revenue and royalties for the duration of the licensing period.
Trademark Search
A trademark search is an investigation to discover potential conflicts between a proposed trademark or service mark and any marks already in use in the marketplace.
Trademark Registration
In principle, a trademark registration will confer an exclusive right to the use of the registered trademark. This implies that the trademark can be exclusively used by its owner, or licensed to another party for use in return for payment.
Trademark Change
An applicant can record its corporate name/address change with respect to a pending or a registered trademark.
Trademark Assignment
A trademark assignment agreement is a legal document that transfers the rights, title, and interest in a trademark or service mark from one owner (the assignor) to another (the assignee)
Trademark Renewal
Trademark renewal is a legal procedure that prolongs the existence of a registered trademark. It usually requires the submission of an application to the appropriate trademark office and fulfilling specific conditions, such as paying fees.
Trademark Licensing
Trademark and licensing is the process by which a trademark owner allows another party to use the trademark on specific products or services under an agreement. The trademark owner receives money or royalties in exchange for sharing the trademark. Trademark licensing can be done in different modes, such as franchising, where the licensee also gets a business model and support from the licensor.
Trademark Infringement
Trademark infringement is the unauthorized use of a trademark or service mark on or in connection with goods and/or services in a manner that is likely to cause confusion, deception, or mistake about the source of the goods and/or services.
Trademark Consulting
Trademark Consulting is a bespoke project management, property, development and infrastructure advisory business. We are passionate, client focused and results driven, providing value-add services throughout the entire project life-cycle.
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